Discovering the Wonders of Pixiebob Cats


Have you ever heard of the Pixiebob Cat breed? They are a unique and amazing breed that has been gaining popularity over the years. Pixiebob cats are known for their wild, lynx-like appearance and large size. They are also known for their intelligence and loyal companionship. In this blog post, we will be exploring the world of Pixiebob cats and discovering the wonders of this wonderful breed. So, if you’re curious about these cats, keep reading to find out more!

The History of Pixiebob Cats

Pixiebob cats have a fascinating history that is worth delving into. The origins of this unique breed can be traced back to a fateful encounter in 1985 when a spotted male kitten with a bobbed tail was found in the woods of Washington State, USA. This kitten, named Pixie, was taken in by a woman named Carol Ann Brewer, who noticed that he possessed some distinct wildcat characteristics. Carol Ann Brewer began breeding Pixie with domestic cats, which resulted in the birth of more kittens with similar features. As the breed grew, it was named Pixiebob after its founder.

Over time, other cat enthusiasts joined the effort to further develop and establish the Pixiebob breed.
Dedicated pixie bobcat breeders focused on maintaining the wild appearance of the cats while also ensuring their suitability as domestic pets. Pixiebob cats were recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 1994 and gained championship status in 1998. Since then, their popularity has continued to grow.

Despite their increasing popularity, the breed remains relatively rare and unique. When it comes to the price of Pixiebob cats, it can vary depending on several factors. The cost of a Pixiebob kitten typically ranges from $500 to $2000. Factors that can influence the price include the lineage, quality, and reputation of the breeder. It’s important to do thorough research and choose a reputable breeder to ensure you’re getting a healthy and well-socialized kitten.

Characteristics of Pixiebob Cats

Pixiebob cats are truly unique and captivating in both their appearance and personality. One of their most distinguishing characteristics is their wild, lynx-like appearance. With their muscular build, tufted ears, and thick fur, they exude an air of elegance and wildness. Their large size only adds to their majestic presence, as adult males can weigh up to 25 pounds. It’s no wonder they are often mistaken for their wild counterparts!

Another interesting characteristic of Pixiebob cats is their polydactylism, or extra toes. This genetic trait is commonly found in the breed and gives them a distinctive look. Some Pixiebobs have up to seven toes on each paw, which not only adds to their unique appearance but also provides them with increased dexterity and balance.

Pixiebob cats are known for their intelligence and sociability. They are highly adaptable and enjoy being a part of the family. They are often described as dog-like in their loyalty and willingness to learn. Pixiebob cats can be trained to walk on a leash, perform tricks, and even play fetch. They are also known for their love of water and may join their human companions in the shower or bath.

When it comes to the price of Pixiebob cats, it can vary depending on several factors. Reputable pixiebob cat breeders typically charge between $500 and $2000 for a kitten. The lineage, quality, and reputation of the breeder can all influence the price. It’s important to do thorough research and choose a breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their cats.

Personality Traits of Pixiebob Cats

Pixiebob cats are not only captivating in appearance but also have a personality that is sure to steal your heart. These cats are known for their friendly and sociable nature, making them excellent companions for both individuals and families. One of the key personality traits of Pixiebob cats is their loyalty. They are known for forming strong bonds with their human companions and are always eager to be by their side.

Whether you’re watching TV or working on your laptop, you can expect your Pixiebob cat to be right
there, providing you with warmth and affection. Another notable trait of Pixiebob cats is their intelligence. They are highly trainable and enjoy learning new tricks and commands. Pixiebob cats have a knack for problem-solving and can be taught to use puzzle toys or engage in interactive play. Their curiosity and quick thinking make them excellent candidates for training activities.

In addition to their loyalty and intelligence, Pixiebob cats are also known for being adaptable and sociable. They are usually welcoming towards strangers and can get along well with other pets in the household. Their easy-going nature makes them suitable for households with children or multiple animals. When it comes to their price, Pixiebob cat breeders usually charge between $500 and $2000 for
a kitten.

Caring for Pixiebob Cats

Caring for Pixiebob Cats is an important aspect of owning one of these unique and captivating felines. They may have a wild appearance, but they still require the love, care, and attention that any domesticated cat would need. Here are some essential tips to ensure your Pixiebob cat remains healthy and happy. First and foremost, it’s crucial to provide your Pixiebob cat with a balanced and nutritious diet.

These cats have an average weight range of 12 to 25 pounds, so it’s important to feed them a diet that meets their specific nutritional needs. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate type and amount of food for your Pixiebob. Regular grooming is another vital aspect of caring for Pixiebob cats. With their thick fur, it’s important to brush them regularly to prevent matting and shedding. This will also help to keep their coat looking shiny and healthy.

Providing environmental enrichment is crucial for the overall well-being of your Pixiebob cat. These cats are highly intelligent and active, so they require mental stimulation and plenty of playtime. Provide them with toys, scratching posts, and interactive activities to keep them engaged and entertained. Routine veterinary care is essential for Pixiebob cats, just like any other cat breed. Make sure to schedule regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive care.

Pixiebob Cats
Pixiebob Cats

Training Tips for Pixiebob Cats

Training a Pixiebob cat can be a rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. These intelligent and sociable cats are quick learners and enjoy mental stimulation. Here are some helpful training tips to ensure your Pixiebob cat becomes a well-behaved and happy companion. First and foremost, positive reinforcement is key when training a Pixiebob cat. Use treats, praise, and affection to reward desired behaviors such as using the litter box or scratching posts. This will motivate your cat to repeat those behaviors in the future.

Consistency is also important in training a Pixiebob cat. Establish a routine and stick to it. This will help your cat understand what is expected of them and make training more effective. Socialization is crucial for Pixiebob cats. Introduce your cat to new experiences, people, and animals from a young age. This will help them develop good manners and become comfortable in different environments. When it comes to training your Pixiebob cat, start with basic commands such as “sit” and “come”.

Use a clear and firm voice, and be patient. Repetition and consistency are key in reinforcing these commands. If you encounter any challenges during training, seek the help of a professional cat trainer. They can provide guidance and techniques specific to Pixiebob cats to address any behavioral issues. Remember, each Pixiebob cat is unique, and training methods may vary. Be patient, stay positive, and enjoy the process of training your Pixiebob cat. With time and effort, you will have a well-trained and happy companion by your side.


1. What is a Pixiebob cat?

Pixiebob cats are a domestic cat breed known for their unique appearance, resembling a wild bobcat. They have a distinctive short tail, tufted ears, and a muscular build. They are often referred to as “bobcat hybrids” due to their wildcat-like features.

2. Where do Pixiebob cats come from?

Pixiebob cats originated in the United States in the early 1990s. The breed was developed by breeding domestic cats with naturally bobbed tails to create a feline with a wild appearance.

3. How big do Pixiebob cats get?

Pixiebobs are medium to large-sized cats, with males typically weighing between 12-20 pounds and females between 8-15 pounds. Their large size and muscular build contribute to their wildcat-like appearance.

4. What is unique about Pixiebob cats’ tails?

Pixiebob cats have short, bobbed tails, which can range from 2 to 4 inches in length. Some individuals may have tails that are longer, but the distinctive bobbed tail is a key feature of the breed.

5. Are Pixiebob cats friendly and good with families?

Yes, Pixiebob cats are known for their friendly and sociable nature. They often form strong bonds with their owners and can get along well with children and other pets. However, like any cat, individual personalities may vary.


In conclusion, delving into the world of Pixiebob cats reveals a truly enchanting and fascinating experience. These captivating felines, with their wild appearance and affectionate nature, embody a unique blend of domestic charm and untamed allure. As we’ve explored their distinct features, such as the striking bobcat-like appearance, polydactyl paws, and expressive eyes, it’s evident that Pixiebobs stands out as a remarkable and distinctive breed within the feline kingdom.

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