Behind the Naked Look: Uncovering the History of the American Hairless Terrier


The American Hairless Terrier is a relatively rare breed, but their charming personalities and affectionate natures have made them a sought-after companion. But what is the history of this “naked” breed? In this blog post, we’ll explore the history of the American Hairless Terrier, from its beginnings in the United States to its increasing popularity for adoption today.

Appearance and Characteristics of the American Hairless Terrier

The American Hairless Terrier may have a unique appearance, but don’t let their lack of hair fool you. These little dogs are full of charm and personality. Standing at about 12 to 16 inches tall and weighing between 12 to 16 pounds, they are small but sturdy. Their bodies are well-muscled, giving them a strong and athletic look. One of the most striking features of the American Hairless Terrier is, of course, their hairlessness. They lack a coat altogether, which means they have soft, smooth skin that is often compared to a baby’s bottom.

This can be quite appealing for individuals who are allergic to dog hair or simply prefer a hypoallergenic breed. Despite their hairless appearance, the American Hairless Terrier still requires regular care. Their skin is more sensitive than that of a dog with fur, so they should be protected from extreme weather conditions. Sunscreen should be applied when spending time outdoors to prevent sunburn. Regular bathing is also necessary to keep their skin clean and free of oil build-up.

In terms of temperament, the American Hairless Terrier is known for being affectionate, lively, and intelligent. They are highly trainable and eager to please, making them great candidates for obedience training and various dog sports. Additionally, they are known to be good with children and can get along well with other pets if properly socialized.

If you’re considering adding an American Hairless Terrier to your family, it’s important to do your research. Make sure to find a reputable breeder or consider adopting from a rescue organization. Prices for American Hairless Terriers can vary depending on factors such as bloodline, pedigree, and location. Reach out to breeders or rescue groups for more information on availability and adoption fees.

Origin and History of the Breed

The origin and history of the American Hairless Terrier is an interesting tale that begins in the United States. While many believe that hairless dogs are a recent trend, the American Hairless Terrier has a long history dating back to the 1970s. The breed’s story starts with a small female Rat Terrier named Josephine, who was born in Louisiana in 1972. Josephine carried a unique recessive gene that caused her to be hairless, making her stand out among her furry siblings. Recognizing the potential of this genetic mutation, a resident named Edwin Scott Jr. decided to breed Josephine in an attempt to create a new hairless breed.

After several generations of careful breeding, the American Hairless Terrier was established as a distinct breed in the late 1990s. The breed’s development was aided by the introduction of hairless Rat Terriers from other breeders, further solidifying their unique traits. In recent years, the popularity of the American Hairless Terrier has been on the rise. More people are becoming aware of their hypoallergenic qualities, making them an appealing option for individuals with allergies. Their affectionate and lively personalities also make them wonderful companions for families and individuals alike.

If you’re considering adding an American Hairless Terrier to your family, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it’s essential to find a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their dogs. Additionally, adoption from rescue organizations can be a great option, as there are often American Hairless Terriers in need of loving homes. While American Hairless Terriers may not be as common as some other breeds, their unique history and characteristics make them a truly special addition to any family. So whether you’re drawn to their charming naked look or their loving personality, the American Hairless Terrier is a breed worth exploring further.

American Hairless Terrier
American Hairless Terrier

Development of the American Hairless Terrier

The development of the American Hairless Terrier is a fascinating journey that highlights the dedication and passion of breeders. From its humble beginnings with a hairless Rat Terrier named Josephine in the 1970s, to its establishment as a distinct breed in the late 1990s, the
American Hairless Terrier has come a long way. Breeders like Edwin Scott Jr. saw the potential of Josephine’s unique genetic mutation and
made it their mission to create a new hairless breed. Through careful breeding and the introduction of hairless Rat Terriers from other breeders, the American Hairless Terrier began to take shape. This dedication to developing the breed has resulted in the charming and
affectionate dogs we know today.

The popularity of the American Hairless Terrier has been steadily increasing in recent years. People are becoming more aware of their hypoallergenic qualities, making them a sought-after option for individuals with allergies. This rise in popularity has led to an increase in demand,which has unfortunately attracted some unethical breeders looking to make a quick profit. It is crucial to do thorough research and find reputable breeders or consider adopting from rescue organizations to ensure the health and well-being of these dogs.

The American Hairless Terrier can vary in price depending on factors such as bloodline, pedigree, and location. Reputable breeders may charge higher prices to reflect the quality of their breeding program and the care they provide for their dogs. Adoption from rescue organizations can be a more affordable option, as there are often American Hairless Terriers in need of loving homes.

Unique Care Needs of the American Hairless Terrier

When it comes to the unique care needs of the American Hairless Terrier, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, their lack of hair means that they are more susceptible to temperature extremes. It’s important to protect them from both hot and cold weather. In the summer, they can easily get sunburned, so applying sunscreen to their exposed skin is a must. In the winter, they should have access to warm clothing or blankets to keep them cozy.

Another aspect of their care is their skin. Without fur to protect it, their skin is more sensitive and prone to dryness and irritation. Regular bathing is necessary to keep their skin clean and free of oil build-up, which can lead to skin issues. However, it’s important to use gentle and
hypoallergenic products to avoid further irritating their skin. Moisturizing lotions or oils can also be beneficial to keep their skin hydrated.
In addition to their skin, the American Hairless Terrier’s ears and teeth also require special attention. Their hairlessness means that their ears are more exposed and susceptible to debris and infection. Regular ear cleaning with a vet-approved solution is necessary to prevent issues.

As for their teeth, they should be brushed regularly to maintain good oral health and prevent dental problems. If you’re considering adopting an American Hairless Terrier, it’s important to find a reputable breeder or consider adopting from a rescue organization. Prices for American Hairless Terriers can vary depending on factors such as bloodline, pedigree, and location. Reputable breeders prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs, and rescue organizations have dogs in need of loving homes. Taking proper care of your American Hairless Terrier is essential to ensure their overall health and happiness.


1. What is the origin of the American Hairless Terrier?

The American Hairless Terrier (AHT) originated in the United States. The breed’s development began in the 1970s when a hairless puppy named Josephine was born in a litter of Rat Terriers in Louisiana. This unique genetic trait was selectively bred to create the American Hairless Terrier

2. How did the breed gain recognition?

The American Hairless Terrier gained recognition through the efforts of dedicated breeders who aimed to establish and promote this new breed. The United Kennel Club (UKC) officially recognized the American Hairless Terrier in 2004, providing a platform for the breed to be shown and compete in various events.

3. What distinguishes the American Hairless Terrier from other terrier breeds?

The most obvious distinction is the absence of a coat in the American Hairless Terrier. They are a small to medium-sized breed with a well-muscled and athletic build. Their skin is smooth, and they can come in various colors. In terms of temperament, they are known for being intelligent, energetic, and affectionate.

4. Are there different varieties of the American Hairless Terrier?

Yes, there are two varieties of the American Hairless Terrier: coated and hairless. The coated variety has a short, dense coat, while the hairless variety lacks a coat altogether. Both varieties can be born in the same litter, as the hairless trait is a result of a recessive gene.

5. How is the American Hairless Terrier’s temperament?

The breed is known for its friendly and outgoing nature. American Hairless Terriers are intelligent, and alert, and make excellent family companions. They are generally good with children and other pets, making them a versatile and adaptable breed.


In conclusion, delving into the history of the American Hairless Terrier reveals a fascinating journey that intertwines with both canine genetics and American cultural evolution. The breed’s unique trait of hairlessness sets it apart, making it a distinctive and captivating companion for dog enthusiasts.

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