What You Need to Know About Exotic Shorthair Cat Breeders


Are you thinking about getting an exotic shorthair cat? If so, you need to do some research and learn more about the breeders in your area. An exotic shorthair cat is a unique breed that has special needs and care requirements. Exotic shorthair cat breeders are experts in the breed and can help you find the perfect pet for your family. They will provide you with information on diet, exercise, grooming, and other important topics. With the right breeder, you can rest assured that your new pet will be healthy and happy.

History and Origins of Exotic Shorthair Cats

Exotic Shorthair cats have a fascinating history and origins that contribute to their unique characteristics. Originally bred in the United States in the 1950s, the Exotic Shorthair is a result of crossbreeding Persians with American Shorthairs. This deliberate mix was intended to produce a breed with the Persian’s luxurious coat but with shorter, more manageable fur. One of the defining features of Exotic Shorthair cats is their adorable, flat, and round faces. This distinctive look is a result of the Persian breed’s influence, as the American Shorthair genes were blended with their genetics. The Exotic Shorthair’s sweet and gentle disposition also stems from the Persian’s temperament.

The breed comes in a variety of colors and patterns, including black, orange, and even tortoiseshell. Whether you’re looking for a solid color or a multi-colored cat, you can find an Exotic Shorthair that suits your preference. Exotic Shorthair cats have a relatively long lifespan, averaging around 12-15 years with proper care. They require regular grooming to maintain their coat’s health and prevent matting. Despite
their plush fur, Exotic Shorthairs are generally low-maintenance in terms of exercise, making them suitable for various lifestyles.

Characteristics of Exotic Shorthair Cats

Exotic Shorthair cats are truly a breed of their own, with a unique set of characteristics that make them stand out among other cat breeds. One of the most noticeable features of these cats is their adorable, flat faces. With their large, round eyes and chubby cheeks, it’s hard not to fall in love with their cute and charming appearance. The Exotic Shorthair’s plush, dense coat adds to their appeal, and they come in a variety of colors and patterns, including black, orange, and tortoiseshell.

Aside from their irresistible looks, Exotic Shorthair cats have a gentle and sweet disposition, making them great companions for individuals and families alike. They are known to be calm and easygoing, making them perfect for households with children or other pets. Their laid-back nature also means that they require minimal exercise, making them a great choice for people with busy lifestyles or limited living space.

In terms of health, Exotic Shorthair cats have a relatively long lifespan, averaging around 12-15 years with proper care. Regular grooming is essential to maintain their coat’s health and prevent matting. While they may require more grooming than some other cat breeds, the love and companionship they provide make it well worth the effort.

Whether you’re looking for a cute and cuddly companion or a low-maintenance pet, an Exotic Shorthair cat can be the perfect addition to your family. Their unique characteristics and affectionate nature make them a breed worth considering when searching for your next feline friend.

Care and Maintenance of Exotic Shorthair Cats

Exotic Shorthair cats are unique and beautiful creatures that require specific care and maintenance to keep them healthy and happy. Despite their plush coats, they are relatively low-maintenance in terms of exercise needs, making them suitable for a variety of lifestyles. However, their dense fur does require regular grooming to prevent matting and keep it in optimal condition.

To properly care for your Exotic Shorthair cat, it is important to establish a regular grooming routine. This may involve brushing their fur at least once a week to remove any loose hairs and prevent tangling. It is also essential to check their eyes and ears regularly for any signs of infection or irritation. Additionally, Exotic Shorthair cats have a unique facial structure that requires special attention.

Their flat faces can sometimes cause respiratory issues, so it is important to monitor their breathing and consult a veterinarian if any concerns arise. Another aspect of their care is their diet. Exotic Shorthair cats are prone to weight gain, so it is important to provide them with a balanced and portion-controlled diet. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount and type of food for your cat.

Lastly, it is important to provide your Exotic Shorthair cat with mental and physical stimulation. Although they are generally low-energy cats, they still require some form of playtime and enrichment to keep them entertained and prevent boredom. By understanding and implementing the proper care and maintenance for your Exotic Shorthair cat, you can ensure that they live a long and healthy life.

Shorthair Cat
Shorthair Cat

Finding a Reputable Exotic Shorthair Cat Breeder

Finding a reputable exotic shorthair cat breeder is crucial when considering adding this unique and adorable breed to your family. A reputable breeder will ensure that you are getting a healthy and well-socialized cat, and they will be knowledgeable about the breed and its specific needs. So, how do you find a reputable breeder? One way to start your search is by reaching out to local cat clubs or breed organizations.

These organizations often have a list of reputable breeders who adhere to high standards of ethics and
breeding practices. They can provide you with a list of breeders in your area and even give you recommendations based on their experience and knowledge. You can also attend cat shows or events dedicated to exotic shorthair cats. Breeders often showcase their cats at these events, and it’s a great opportunity to meet them in person, ask questions, and see their cats firsthand.

This allows you to assess the breeders’ facilities, the condition of their cats, and the overall care they provide. Additionally, reputable breeders will be open and transparent about their breeding program. They should be willing to show you the environment in which their cats are raised and provide documentation of health testing for genetic diseases. A good breeder will prioritize the health and well-being of their cats above all else.

Remember, reputable breeders may have a waiting list, and their prices may be higher than what you might find elsewhere. This is because they invest significant time, effort, and resources into breeding healthy and well-adjusted cats. It’s important to be patient and prepared to wait for the right kitten from a reputable breeder.

By taking the time to find a reputable breeder, you are ensuring that you are getting a healthy and happy exotic shorthair cat that will bring you joy for years to come. Don’t hesitate to ask for references, visit their facilities, and ask plenty of questions to make an informed decision.

Bringing Your New Exotic Shorthair Cat Home

Bringing your new exotic shorthair cat home is an exciting and joyful moment. As you prepare to welcome your new feline friend, there are a few important things to keep in mind. Firstly, create a safe and comfortable space for your new cat. Set up a cozy bed, provide fresh water and food bowls, and offer a variety of toys to keep them entertained. Ensure that the litter box is easily accessible and in a quiet area of your home.

When introducing your new exotic shorthair cat to your family and any existing pets, it’s important to do so gradually and under supervised conditions. Give your new cat time to adjust to their new surroundings and provide them with plenty of love, attention, and reassurance. It’s also a good idea to schedule a visit to the veterinarian soon after bringing your cat home. This will allow the vet to assess their health and address any immediate concerns.

Regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations are essential to ensure the long-term well-being of your
exotic shorthair cat. Lastly, be prepared for the cost of owning an exotic shorthair cat. While prices may vary depending on the breeder and location, exotic shorthair cats are generally on the more expensive side. However, the love and companionship they provide are priceless.


1. What is an Exotic Shorthair cat?

An Exotic Shorthair cat is a breed known for its charming appearance, characterized by a short, plush coat, large expressive eyes, and a sweet temperament. They are often referred to as the “Persian in pajamas” due to their similar appearance to Persian cats but with a short coat.

2. How do I find a reputable Exotic Shorthair cat breeder?

Look for breeders who are registered with reputable cat breeding associations, such as The International Cat Association (TICA) or the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). Reputable breeders prioritize the health and well-being of their cats and adhere to ethical breeding practices.

3. What health considerations should I keep in mind when choosing a breeder?

Ensure that the breeder conducts health screenings for common issues in the breed, such as brachycephalic airway syndrome and polycystic kidney disease. Ask for health certificates and inquire about the vaccination history of the kittens.

4. Can I visit the breeder’s facility before deciding to purchase a kitten?

Reputable breeders typically welcome visits from potential buyers. It allows you to see the living conditions of the cats, meet the kittens’ parents, and observe the overall environment.

5. What questions should I ask a potential Exotic Shorthair cat breeder?

Ask about the breeder’s experience, breeding practices, and the socialization process for kittens. Inquire about the kittens’ health records, vaccinations, and any guarantees or contracts provided.


In conclusion, choosing an Exotic Shorthair cat is a delightful decision that comes with its own set of responsibilities. When considering breeders, it is crucial to prioritize reputable and ethical sources that prioritize the health and well-being of the cats. Thorough research, asking pertinent questions, and visiting catteries are essential steps in ensuring a positive and supportive environment for both the breeder and the potential pet owner.

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